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Can you change the fabric on a recliner?

Are you tired of the outdated, stained fabric on your favorite recliner? Do you want to give it a fresh look but aren’t sure if it’s even possible? Yes you can.

The good news is that changing the fabric on a recliner is indeed possible!

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Brief Explanation of the Topic.

Changing the fabric on a recliner involves removing the old, worn-out material and replacing it with new, fresh fabric. While some people may think that this is impossible or requires professional assistance, it can actually be done at home with some basic tools and know-how. Many people choose to change their recliner’s fabric to update its appearance or improve its comfort level.

Importance of Knowing Whether You Can Change the Fabric on a Recliner.

Knowing whether you can change the fabric on a recliner is important for several reasons. Firstly, if your current recliner’s upholstery is damaged or stained beyond repair, changing its fabric can give it a fresh look without having to buy an entirely new piece of furniture.

Secondly, if you’re someone who enjoys DIY projects and wants to save money by doing things yourself rather than hiring professionals, knowing how to change your recliner’s fabric will come in handy. Changing your recliner’s upholstery can allow you to customize it according to your personal style preferences.

There’s nothing quite like a favorite recliner. It’s where you go to unwind after a long day or curl up with a good book.

But over time, the fabric on your beloved recliner can start to show wear and tear, leaving you wondering if it’s time for a replacement. Fortunately, changing the fabric on your recliner is entirely possible!

With some basic tools and a bit of know-how, you can give your old recliner a new lease on life. And the benefits of doing so are plentiful!

For starters, changing the fabric means you can update your chair’s look to match any changes in decor or personal style preferences. Plus, new fabric can offer improved comfort and functionality by providing better support or breathability than its predecessor.

But perhaps one of the greatest benefits of changing your recliner’s fabric is simply that it allows you to keep using your favorite chair for years to come. After all, there’s no need to toss out an otherwise perfectly good piece of furniture just because the fabric has become worn or outdated!

How to Change the Fabric on a Recliner.

Overview of steps involved in changing the fabric.

Changing the fabric on your recliner may seem daunting, but with some patience and effort, it can be done. First, start by removing the old fabric from your recliner.

Carefully remove any staples or tacks holding it in place and make sure to keep track of all pieces you remove. Once all of the old fabric has been removed, measure your new fabric according to the pieces you took off and cut it accordingly.

Make sure to leave enough extra material for hemming. Once your new fabric is cut to size, use a sewing machine or hand sew it together according to the pattern of your old fabric pieces.

Then carefully staple or tack all sides of each piece back onto the frame of your recliner in order. Be sure to pull tight as you work so that there are no wrinkles or loose areas.

Tips for choosing the right type of fabric for your recliner.

When choosing a new type of fabric for your recliner, there are several factors to consider. First, think about what kind of use this piece gets – if it’s regularly used by pets or children or if spills are common then consider a durable and stain-resistant material like microfiber or leather. Comfort is also an important consideration – choose a soft and cozy material like chenille if comfort is a top priority.

Think about style – choose bold patterns if you’re looking for an eye-catching statement piece or neutral colors if subtlety is more important to you. It’s always wise to purchase extra yardage than what you need in case any mistakes occur during installation process as well as help with future repairs should they arise later down road!

DIY vs Professional Services.

When it comes to changing the fabric on your recliner, there are two options: doing it yourself or hiring a professional service. Both options have their pros and cons, and your decision will depend on multiple factors such as cost, time, skill level required, and the complexity of the job.

Pros of DIY.

The biggest advantage of doing it yourself is the money you can save. Hiring a professional service can be quite expensive, especially if you have a large recliner that requires more fabric. By purchasing your own fabric and doing the work yourself, you can save hundreds of dollars.

In addition to saving money, some people find DIY projects to be fun and rewarding. If you enjoy working with your hands or want to learn a new skill, changing the fabric on your recliner can be an exciting challenge.

Cons of DIY.

On the flip side, there are several disadvantages to consider before embarking on a DIY project. Firstly, changing the fabric on a recliner requires some level of skill and experience with upholstery work. If you don’t have much experience or confidence in this area, it could lead to costly mistakes that could ruin your chair.

Additionally, it’s important to note that upholstery work is time-consuming. Depending on how complex your recliner design is and how fast you work; this project could take anywhere from several hours to multiple days or even weeks.

Pros of Professional Services.

Hiring a professional service has its own set of advantages too; firstly professionals have years of experience which means they are more likely to complete their task faster without making any costly mistakes. This will ensure that not only do they get done quicker but also with better quality than if done by someone inexperienced.

Furthermore, hiring a professional service means that you won’t have to worry about the time and effort it takes to complete the project. You can sit back and relax while they do all of the work for you.

Cons of Professional Services.

The primary disadvantage of hiring a professional service is the cost. Depending on where you live and how much fabric you need, hiring a professional service could cost several hundred dollars or more. This may not be within budget for everyone.

Additionally, finding a reliable and trustworthy upholstery service can be challenging. You need to do your research in advance to ensure that whoever works on your recliner has good reviews, experience, and uses quality materials.

Ultimately whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a professional depends on your particular situation. If money isn’t an issue and you have little confidence in your skills then hiring a professional is probably best suited for you; however if budgeting is important yet have some level of experience with upholstery work, then doing it yourself would be more beneficial financially- but only if done correctly!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Changing Fabric on a Recliner.

The Importance of Proper Measurement and Sizing.

One of the most common mistakes people make when changing the fabric on their recliner is not measuring or sizing properly. This can lead to a number of issues, such as fabric that is too loose or too tight, uneven seams, and even damage to the recliner itself. Before you begin the process of changing your recliner’s fabric, it is important to take accurate measurements and ensure that you have all of the necessary tools and materials to complete the job.

To avoid these common mistakes, it is important to take your time when measuring your recliner. Use a tape measure to determine the length and width of each section of fabric you will need.

Make sure that you add an extra inch or two on each side for seam allowances. Additionally, if your recliner has any curved or unusual sections, it may be necessary to create a pattern before cutting your new fabric.

Choosing the Right Tools and Materials.

Another common mistake people make when changing their recliner’s fabric is using the wrong tools or materials. This can lead to frustration and wasted time as well as damage to both the old and new fabrics.

Some people try to save money by using cheap tools or materials that are not designed for upholstery work. To avoid these mistakes, invest in high-quality tools specifically designed for upholstery work such as scissors made for cutting heavy-duty fabrics like leather or woven cotton duck cloth for slipcovers.

Additionally, choose durable fabrics that are appropriate for upholstering furniture like microfiber with high abrasion resistance rather than a soft silk which would easily wear over time especially with constant use. By taking these simple steps – measuring accurately, choosing quality tools and materials – you can avoid many common mistakes when changing your recliner’s fabric and ensure that your finished product is both beautiful and functional.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to change a recliner’s fabric?

The time it takes to change a recliner’s fabric largely depends on whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a professional service. If you’re doing it yourself, the process can take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two.

This includes removing the old fabric, measuring and cutting new fabric, and sewing it onto the recliner. However, if you hire a professional service, they can typically complete the job in just a few hours.

How much does it cost to change a recliner’s fabric?

Again, the cost of changing a recliner’s fabric will depend on whether you do it yourself or hire someone else. If you do it yourself, the cost will mainly be for the new fabric and any necessary tools (such as scissors or a sewing machine).

The cost of professional services will vary depending on your location and the type of fabric you choose. However, expect to pay between $200-$400 for labor costs.

Can any type of fabric be used?

While most types of fabrics can be used for changing your recliner’s upholstery, some may be more suitable than others. Avoid fabrics that are too thick or stiff as they may not conform well to the contours of your chair and could cause discomfort.

Instead, opt for fabrics that are soft and flexible but still durable enough to withstand everyday use. It is also important to consider factors such as color fastness and stain resistance when choosing your new cloth.


Changing the fabric on your recliner is definitely possible! With some basic tools and patience (or by hiring professionals), you can give your chair an entirely new look without having to purchase another one altogether!

Following this guide should make this project easy even for beginners, and with our tips to avoid mistakes, you will be sitting in your new recliner in no time. Changing the fabric of a sofa or a chair is an excellent way to refresh your furniture and give it a new life for years to come.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different textures and colors. The possibilities are endless!

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Author: Saleh Ibrahim

Saleh is a Digital Marketer and has been building websites since 2010. He is passionate about home decorating and fashion, hence his love for reviewing products that enhances the beauty of a home. He loves travel and watching live sporting events. You can check out his Facebook Page, Youtube Channel and Twitter Handle for more product reviews and buying guides.

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