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Why do recliners hurt my back? Solving Back Pain Mystery from Your Chair.

As much as we love our recliners for their promise of ultimate comfort, many of us have also experienced the downside: back pain.

Yes, that’s right! As cozy as they seem in theory, some recliners can wreak havoc on our backs.

The last thing anyone wants is to sit down for some much-needed rest only to get up feeling worse than before – with an achy back that requires a chiropractor or specialist’s attention!

I remember the first time I tried out my dad’s old recliner – it was like heaven on earth! I thought I’d hit the jackpot when it came to comfort.

It was like being hugged by a cloud with all its softness and coziness. But as soon as I stood up again, I realized what horror lay beneath those comfortable cushions – an excruciating backache that lasted almost three days!

That incident made me wonder; if recliners were so relaxing why did they cause so much pain? Are we doing something wrong when using them?

Read also best recliner mechanism

Or is there more to this piece of furniture than what meets the eye? The more I delved into this mystery; the more surprises awaited me – surprises that could save us from terrible discomforts while still enjoying one of our favorite ways to relax after a long day!

infographic on low back pain stats.

How Recliners Work.

Recliners are a popular type of chair that allows the user to recline and relax. But how exactly does a recliner work?

Well, at its simplest, a recliner is designed with a series of mechanisms that allow the backrest and footrest to move independently. The backrest can be angled backward, while the footrest extends out in front of the seat.

The mechanism behind a recliner is typically made up of springs or heavy-duty elastic webbing. When you pull on the lever or remote control to activate the recline function, these springs or webbings compress and release.

This action allows the chair’s backrest to tilt backward as you lean against it. To bring it back up, you release pressure on the lever or button, and all these parts return to their original position.

Discussion on How it Affects The Body’s Posture.

When we sit down in a normal chair, we engage our muscles to keep our posture upright and maintain balance. However, when using a recliner chair properly (i.e., with your feet up), most people’s natural tendency is to slouch into what feels like a more comfortable position.

Unfortunately, this can have detrimental effects on your posture over time. Slouching puts unnecessary pressure on your lower back and can significantly increase your risk of developing chronic pain conditions like osteoarthritis or herniated discs.

When using a recliner for extended periods regularly without proper support for your lower back muscles can also become weaker over time since they’re not being used as much as they would be if sitting upright consistently. So while relaxing in a comfortable position might seem tempting at first glance when using your favorite recliner chair after long hours at work, it’s essential always to keep proper posture in mind!

Common Causes of Back Pain in Recliners.

Poor Lumbar Support: Is Your Back Receiving the Proper Support?

One of the most common causes of back pain in recliners is poor lumbar support. Lumbar support refers to the lower back area and it’s often neglected in some recliner designs.

Poor lumbar support can cause unnecessary strain on the lower back muscles, leading to discomfort or pain. When selecting a recliner, look for one that has adjustable lumbar support.

This will allow you to customize the level of support your lower back is receiving. If you already own a recliner that lacks proper lumbar support, consider purchasing a separate cushion or pillow for added comfort.

Improper Footrest Height: Are Your Feet Elevated Correctly?

The footrest height in a recliner is another important factor to consider when attempting to avoid back pain. Your feet should be elevated at an angle that allows your thighs to be parallel to the floor or slightly higher than your hips. If your feet are too high or too low, it can cause additional stress on your lower back muscles and create discomfort.

Before purchasing a recliner, test out its footrest height by sitting comfortably in it and adjusting the footrest accordingly. If you already have a recliner with an improperly positioned footrest, try using pillows or cushions underneath your legs to achieve proper positioning.

The angle of Recline: Are You Leaning Back at an Ideal Angle?

The angle at which you lean back in a recliner can greatly affect how much pressure is placed on various parts of your body including your lower back. Too much tilt backward can put extra weight on those muscles while too little may result in tension elsewhere.

Choose a chair that allows you adjust angles so you are able to maintain proper posture as well as prevent undue strain on any part of your body. A slight recline angle, somewhere around 120 degrees, is often considered the ideal position to minimize stress on the back.

Materials Used in Construction: Are Your Recliner Materials Contributing to Your Pain?

The materials used in making a recliner can also contribute to back pain. Padded cushions that are too soft or too hard can put excess pressure on the lower back muscles. Similarly, an overly firm backrest with no give may not provide adequate support and cause discomfort.

Look for a recliner made from materials that offer both support and comfort such as high-quality foam, durable fabrics, and sturdy frames. If you already own a recliner made with less than ideal materials, you can try adding additional padding or pillows for added comfort and proper support.

How to Choose a Recliner That Won’t Hurt Your Back.

Tips for selecting the right type of recliner based on your needs.

Choosing the right recliner is essential if you want to avoid back pain. One important tip is to look for a recliner with good lumbar support. This means that the backrest should have a curve that supports the natural curvature of your spine.

You should also consider the depth of the seat; it should be enough so you can sit all the way back in it while keeping your feet flat on the ground. Another important factor to consider is whether or not you need a power-operated recliner or a manual one.

Power-operated recliners may be more expensive, but they’re easier to operate and may offer more features such as built-in massage functions and adjustable footrests. Alternatively, manual ones may be more affordable, but they require physical effort to adjust.

Factors to consider such as size, shape, and materials used.

The size and shape of a recliner can make a big difference in terms of comfort and support. You want to make sure that you choose one that fits your body well; if it’s too small or too big, it won’t provide optimal support for your back. You’ll also want to make sure that you have enough room in your living space for it once it’s fully extended.

Materials used in construction are another factor worth considering when selecting a comfortable recliner. Leather may be more durable than fabric upholstery, but it can also get hot during hotter months while microfiber or cotton blends can breathe better during warm weather seasons.

Overall, when choosing a new recliner take into account how often will you use it? Is it going to be mainly used as sleeping accommodations?

Do you suffer from any form of regular pain or strain? Knowing what factors matter most to you will help you make the right choice.

Alternatives to Traditional Recliners.

Overview of alternative seating options that may be better for those with back pain.

While traditional recliners may be comfortable, they’re not always the best choice for those with back pain. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternative seating options that can be just as relaxing and are much better for your spine. Here are a few options you might want to consider:

Zero-Gravity Chairs.

Zero-gravity chairs were originally designed by NASA to help astronauts cope with the intense forces of takeoff and re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. These chairs place your body in a position where your feet are elevated above your head, resulting in a feeling of weightlessness. This position also helps to minimize pressure on your spine, which can relieve back pain.

These chairs come in a variety of designs including outdoor patio chairs and indoor lounge chairs so you can use it anywhere you’d like at home. Some zero-gravity chairs even come with built-in massage features!

Ergonomic Office Chairs.

If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, an ergonomic office chair is essential for maintaining good posture and avoiding back pain. These chairs are designed to provide support where you need it most by adjusting to fit the contours of your body. Look for features such as adjustable lumbar support, seat height adjustment, and adjustable armrests when choosing an ergonomic office chair.

It’s important to try out different models before making a purchase as everyone has unique needs when it comes to comfort. By opting for one of these alternatives over traditional recliners, you’ll be doing your back a favor while still enjoying comfort and relaxation at home or work.

Small Details That Matter.

Seat Depth.

When it comes to choosing a recliner, one of the most important factors to consider is seat depth. The seat depth refers to the distance between the backrest and front of the seat cushion.

If the seat is too deep, it can cause discomfort in your lower back by forcing you to slouch. On the other hand, if the seat is too shallow, there won’t be enough support for your legs.

It’s important to find a recliner with an adjustable seat depth feature so that you can customize it according to your body’s specific needs. This way, you’ll be able to sit comfortably with your back against the backrest and have enough support for your legs.

Armrest Height.

Another small detail that can make a big difference when it comes to comfort and support in a recliner is the armrest height. The armrests should be at just the right height so that they support your arms without causing any unnecessary strain on your shoulders or neck.

Ideally, you want armrests that are at a height where you can rest your elbows comfortably while still keeping them close to your body. This way, you’ll prevent shoulder and neck pain caused by having to reach up or out for armrests that are too high or low.

When shopping for a recliner, don’t overlook these small details as they can greatly affect your comfort level and overall experience while using it. By paying attention to features like seat depth and armrest height, you’ll be able to find a recliner that provides optimal support and helps prevent back pain in the long run.


Throughout this article, we’ve discussed the reasons why recliners can cause back pain and how to avoid it. We’ve talked about the mechanics behind a recliner, common causes of back pain in recliners, how to choose a better recliner, alternative seating options, and small details that matter. By following these tips, you can enjoy the comfort and relaxation of a recliner without sacrificing your spinal health.

One of the biggest culprits behind back pain while using a recliner is poor lumbar support. When selecting a recliner, look for one that provides adequate lumbar support to ensure proper alignment of your spine.

Additionally, make sure the footrest height is adjustable and that you can fully extend your legs when in a reclined position. The angle of reclining should be comfortable for your body and not put unnecessary strain on your neck or lower back.

Consider alternatives to traditional recliners such as zero-gravity chairs or ergonomic office chairs. These options may provide better support for your entire body as they are designed specifically with posture in mind.

Pay attention to small details that matter such as seat depth and armrest height. Adjust these components so that they fit your body perfectly and provide optimal comfort.

By keeping these points in mind while selecting and using a recliner, you can relax comfortably without worrying about developing back pain or compromising your spinal health. Remember to always prioritize proper posture to keep yourself feeling happy and healthy!

Author of review posts

Author: Saleh Ibrahim

Saleh is a Digital Marketer and has been building websites since 2010. He is passionate about home decorating and fashion, hence his love for reviewing products that enhances the beauty of a home. He loves travel and watching live sporting events. You can check out his Facebook Page, Youtube Channel and Twitter Handle for more product reviews and buying guides.

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